Ken told me this morning that CBS called late on Friday and said the story warranted more time than they could give it on Saturday morning. CBS was thinking of 48 Hours.

However, the Carvers gave an exclusive to NBC after they had already made the arrangements for the Saturday Early Morning Show.

NBC will work it up as a Dateline show. Not sure how long that will take. I imagine it could be several weeks or months into the future.

In the meantime, there have been many, many responses to the story in the Arizona Republic (on Arizona Central, their website). The lead one tells the Carvers to 'grow up'. But most express sympathy and encourage them to continue the fight.

Quite a few of those responding say as a result of the way the Carvers have been treated and the problem handled, they would definitely avoid using Royal Carribean/Celebrity. Click on the link in the first post and scroll to the bottom of the story to see the postings.

I'll post again when I know more about the Dateline program.