Not sure yet what happened. Yesterday I got this email from Ken:

As a direct result of the CNN show and the AZ Republic article, tomorrow morning Carol and I will be on the CBS morning show. Since it starts at 5:00AM, we may be half asleep so forgive us.

Also, we have agreed with NBC to do one of their major new shows in prime time. Although we have received additional calls for interviews, we have given NBC an exclusive so that will limit further additional interviews. I will advise you when this will take place.

God is truly at work...
From the email it looks like he and Carol, his wife, were going to be interviewed live for the broadcast, probably from the local affiliate's studio.

I'll probably get an update from him.

My guess is the NBC exclusive he is referring to will probably be a Dateline show some time in the future.

Thanks, Mark. Hang on, if you will, until I hear from him. I'll see him in Church tomorrow.
