My thoughts and prayers are certainly with both of you. My husband Darrell was diagnosed with colon cancer last February and spent a week in the hospital, followed by about 6 weeks recuperation here at home before starting chemo AND radiation, simultaneously. Radiation was six weeks, and chemo six months. A tiring and trying time for both of us.

Looking back, he did well, and I am really proud of him. He's regained his appetite and stamina - in fact, 10 days after his last chemo session, we hiked several miles on Isle Royale (Michigan) on a lighthouse trip with the US Lighthouse Society. We had planned the trip well before his diagnosis, and it was truly the carrot at the end of a long stick....he (we) were bound and determined to make it on the trip!
I can't say it will be an easy path for EITHER of you, but as his oncologist said, if you're gotta get cancer, colorectal is one of the 'better' ones with a HIGH survivor rate.
Anne Camp