Here is the update on Kay...
We found out my bone cancer is caused from my renal cancer. I will be put on a drug called, Sorafenib, this week. I take it twice daily. It is a cancer medicine specifically designed for renal (kidney) cancer. It works by keeping tumor cells from multiplying in the body.

The side effects are minimal. I will be given Zometa (bone strengthening treatments) by IV once every four weeks. I will have to check in with the Siteman Cancer Center once a week for blood test, etc. as a part of the treatment. I will be given bone scan and MRI periodically just to check to see if the treatment is working. We were very encouraged after we left his office. Thanks for all your prayers. They are being answered daily.
Let's all keep the good thoughts and prayers going for Kay & Gary.

"Where words fail, Music speaks"