It gives me great pleasure to know that, as we celebrate the birth of modern democracy, Slobodan Milosevic---a modern-day Hitler--- is sitting in a cell in The Hague, where the whole world will hear about his crimes against humanity. Gimme a high-five!

Lord knows this country ain't perfect. We still don't get along with each other as well as we could...and should. Many of us still judge people by various immutable characteristics, which flies in the face of what our founding fathers intended (that little "all men are created equal" thing, which needs to be changed to "people").

But, all in all, I think we're moving in the right direction. We've been at it for 225 years and being the envy of the entire world is a good sign.

So Happy Independence Day. Enjoy your freedom to do whatever you please today...and every day. Me...I'm going to eat too much, drink too much, and golf like Tiger (at least until the "drink too much" part sets in). Cheers!