Donna, I'm glad to hear that Jerry's tests came out good. FYI, in 1991 my wife had to rush me to the hospital with both of us thinking I was having a heart attack. In the ER the doctoes did an EKG etc. and gave me some nitro stating that I was in fact having one. They called in a cardio specialist and he could not find anything except that he EKG was showing a heart attack. After my admittance to the hosp. they transfered me to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NYC for more tests. After a battery of test, and to make a long story short I had no heart attack. It was a digestive problem which I later found out is GERD or Reflux Disease. I have been on medication since and no more false heart attack pains. A follow up with the cardio specialist also showed that I have a weird ekg. It shows that I could be having a heart attack when in fact I'm not. That didn't explain the pains though like the gastrointerologist did.
I do not know if this will help but I know it won't hurt. Good Luck and God Bless you both.

Tom K

:) :cool: