Here's a note from Kim received today:

On Friday Bill Younger went to the emergency room at Grossmont Hospital and was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma. He was admitted to the intensive care unit where they stabilized him before they could operate.

This morning Bill underwent neural surgery and is now resting comfortably and is expected to make a full and complete recovery. Bill will remain in intensive care for a few more days. Please be aware that he can not receive flowers whilst in intensive care. I’ll keep you posted on Bill’s progress.

Harry says Bill is driving the ICU nurses crazy and is in good spirits, considering the "turban" he's wearing around his head.

Cards would be welcome to:

Patient Bill Younger
Sharp Grossmont Hospital
5555 Grossmont Center Drive
La Mesa, CA 91942

No flowers until he is out of ICU. No calls at this time.

Please keep Bill, Nancy and the Younger Family in your prayers.