Now how's this for a trip? Today my friend (sometimes insignificant other) and I went HLing. On the way we drove through some back, really back, roads and saw a house that had two camels! We continued on as I was searching for a summer home on Lake Ontario that belongs/used to belong to a friend of mine. We finally found it and saw that it was for sale. Take a peek:

It's simply gorgeous. Sunken garden, gazebo, formerly had a grass tennis court, high above the lake. And the sunset is for real. I was there for it once.

Showed friend Oswego Lighthouse (that's the lighthousing part), after the HLing when he bought me two HLs (that's the friend part)!

(Now wouldn't a real friend have bought the house on the lake for me???)

[This message has been edited by mombo (edited 04-06-99).]