I got this note by email late today from Desiree Wolf of Harbour Lights...

Mr. Younger has had some health issues this past week and the doctor has advised against any travel. It is to be determined at this time if a minor stroke has occurred. We will keep you posted but all indications are that he is fine and will recover fully. Kim says, “If orneriness is any indication, he is feeling GREAT!”

In regards to his in-store events this coming weekend, since he cannot attend, local area reps will be on hand. Also, additional replacement events will be scheduled at these same locations.

Bill said his problem was [that] this was the first time he was in town [El Cajon] and decided not to go into the office over the weekend! His system did not know how to react to a real DAY OFF!

I'm sure we all feel the same - take the time off, Bill. Listen to the doctors and take care of yourself.