This was sent to me in an email by a friend. I don't know this little baby girl, but I will surely pray for her as I'm sure many of you will too!

Late Thursday night an 8-month-old little girl named Delaney pulled a hot Fry Daddy on her body. Her Mom, Deena, pulled her out of her walker and also burned herself. They life-flighted the little girl to Scottish Rite and then to Parkland Burn Center in Dallas. She has 40% burns on the trunk of her body. They are going to amputate at least 3 fingers on one hand and will have to graft skin from her Mom and Dad to help repair her. She is in critical condition and her lungs have filled with water. They don't know if she will live or not. They say the next few days will decide. They live in Florence, Texas and have two other children. THEY NEED AS MANY PRAYERS AS THEY CAN GET.

Will you please forward this to as many prayer warriors as you can? It only takes a moment to say a simple prayer for this sweet baby, and
prayer is much more powerful than most people realize! Please - take just a quick minute to pray for this baby girl, and forward this request to anyone else you can. Thank you for your help and prayers! May God bless you - and YOUR loved ones!! May the Blessings of God through His Son Jesus Christ be upon you always.


God may have created man before woman,
but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.