I talked with Ken this evening and he told me that his mom passed away on Friday the 24th.

It's not been a good week at all for Ken. On the day his mom was buried, his brother-in-law died of a massive stroke at age 64. Ken's mom was living with Carol and Buz Robertson so Carol went from a house of 3 people to 1 person in a few days. Carol couldn't attend her mom's burial because she was at the hospital with her husband.

It doesn't end there. Ken's daugher who lives in Portland OR was at Mayo Clinic Rochester MN on that day and had a diagnosis of a malignancy on her lung. She has since flown back to Oregon and Ken is awaiting final word on the outcome.

Let's keep Ken, his sister Carol and his daughter in our prayers in the next few weeks.

Anna Reese was born in 1917 and passed just short of her 89th birthday. Since we've missed our customary flowers for funerals, I proposed to Ken that we purchase a brick from Avery Point Lighthouse in memory of his mom; he would be very happy with our effort. If you want to participate in this joint effort, please email me at webmaster@lighthousekeepers.com and I'll coordinate the purchase of a brick.