I just received my Relief too, and it also was shipped from the west coast to the east coast, and arrived in perfect condition. Whew! it's beautiful, and I'm still admiring the detail.

I also have a horror story.

Recently, I was in a store that carries Harbour Lights as a sideline to all it's other merchandise. This was a big sale day, and the store was crowded.

Roaming around, I discovered a AB Motor Yacht Kim sitting on a shelf in its glass case gathering dust behind some other merchandise. To make this even better, it was a very low digit #!

I found the manager and asked if she would sell it to me for a lower amount (It still had a price sticker of the original amount). Seemingly glad to part with "old" merchandise, she quoted a price I couldn't refuse.

Behind the counter, five clerks busily waited on customers, and a store temp wrapped and packaged the sales. Well shame on me for not watching, which would have been difficult, and I was still basking in the thrill of my find.

Got it home and opened up the shopping bag which had been heavilly padded to protect the merchandise. The glass case had been wrapped in bubble wrap...BUT...the clerk had not secured the model. It was free to float as she wrapped the bubble stuff round & round the glass case!

Amazingly, the model wasn't shattered to bits, but the sail on the little sailboat had been cleanly severed from it's mast.

The manager apologised and explained that the person who wrapped it had been hired to help during the sale. She offered to exchange it?? or give me my money back. Since I didn't purchase it for resale, I took the money back, and I can repair, and no one will know but me...and you.

What she didn't seem to understand was that the low digit model...was irreplacable.

