All the answers for the fourth challenge can be found on or associated links at that site.

Each question is worth one point, if answered correctly!

1. How many lightships served in the waters around the United States?

2. What two lightships mentioned on the HL site are the oldest that were built? Include the name and the year built.

3. What lightship did John Krevey purchase?

4. What is the only lightship that still has her original steam engines?

5. What lightship served as an examination vessel in Edgemoor, Delaware,during the war?

6. What lightship was not sunk by the German submarines because it aided them as much as it did the nation’s shipping?

7. What lightship was sunk by a German submarine?

8. What lightship served as Cornfield, Cross Rip, and Boston?

9. Even though two of the three Nantucket Lightships have subsequently been moved to new locations, at what locations does the HL site list them at?

10. Which of the following lightship “WLV” or “LV” numbers is false? WLV604, LV118, LV101, LV87, WLV605, LV211, LV114, WLV613.

No one said this is going to be easy. Consider it a lesson learned in lightship history as you search for the correct answers. No curve balls in this group. As Joe Friday said, "Just the facts!"

Good luck!
