Regardless of what Harbour Lights says, the answer to the general question, "Should you get a display case for your Anchor Bay ships?" is, for me, an unqualified YES.

I just cleaned my Anchor Bay cases this past weekend.

The dust that accumulates on them is amazing, and to think that all that dust would be settling on the sculptures themselves is frightening. The ships, with their tiny parts and especially the rigging, are incredibly fragile. There's no way I'd be able to clean them effectively, even with the most delicate brush.

I am very thankful for those cases.

And I'll say this: after a fresh cleaning, they look spectacular. I'm really glad I bought the two I have (Chesapeake & Huron).

P.S.: On one of my cases, the rubber molding between one of the seams was peeling off (yikes). I used a little Elmers Glue to stick it back. I hope it's not a sign of things to come on a widespread basis. Anyone else noticing this?