Ok, I'll go next seeing I brought this thread back from the dark ages!

It is ok but far from spectacular. Disregarding the choice of light, the piece itself is sort of ho-hum. With both the tower and the house being plain janish this piece could have used a bit more color. The blue window curtains (must have been a special on these this year) and the miniscule, almost unnoticeable flowers in the windowboxes and surrounding the base of the tower don't seem to be enough. The elevated position of the tower relative to the house is good as well as the added touch of the "in progress" whitewashing of the fence.

The choice of light obviously hasn't proven to be very popular with some folks but the fact that it's a memorial to one of our greatest authors gives it merit. Also the bit about it having been lit remotely by assorted Presidents is kind of neat. As a "lighthouse" from a non-lighthouse state it probably is looked upon more kindly by some non-lighthouse state residents.

Personally, even though it's not a favorite among the Event Pieces produced by HL, I felt compelled to get it because it is THE Event Piece. The Regional pieces, whether one like last year or four versions of one light this year represent, imo, a separate sort of "event".

Interesting also is the fact that last year's piece, Yerba Buena, featured a house atop a hill with a lighthouse below and this piece offers a reversed set-up.