
It has taken me awhile to respond to THIS one! I've been sitting here, scratching my receding forehead with my hands, knuckles bloody from dragging them on the ground.

The offending school board members will undoubtedly be voted out, next year. One of the unfortunate things about Kansas [and there is a wealth of them] is that too many nitwits run and make it into office, while the more reasoned denizens back into corners and sit glumly waiting for it all to end. The wonderful thing about Kansas is that, when the world comes to an end, we won't know it here for a good two or three years afterwards.

What LEs are you seeking? Recalling my friends Laurence and Glenda at Candle Nook, they have a storage shed of older Harbour Lights that they've had to move out of the retail space to make room for the newer releases, so they may well have some of what you're needing. Before the membership at large starts salivating...NO, there isn't a Hatteras I or Coquille stashed there in neglected forlornitudinosity!
