My preferences are a combined personal opinion, as well as that of a retailer. I have already put the new lights onto my website and have gotten quite a bit of feedback from many of my customers, so that has influenced my preferences, as well. Here goes.
1) South Haven- Some of the most spectacular lighthouse photos I have ever seen are those which show the Great Lakes winter scenes. Harry's version looks eerily similar to a photo which I saw just a couple of days ago!
This lighthouse is different, which is a retailer's dream!
2)Cedar Point- Another of those "different" lighthouses which make retailers happy. Great!
3)Windmill Point- This is a personal choice. I was just in Vermont in October and photographed the lighthouse for my blog.
Harry captures this one very, very well! cheers
4)Crown Point- The nuances of this lighthouse, I imagine, would make it a difficult one to recreate. Another fine job, Harry, as you've captured this one to a "T"! waytogo
5)Bristol Ferry- I think the photo of this piece will probably not do justice to the final product. At first glance, it seems not as spectacular as the others, but upon closer inspection, I think that this one could be a hidden gem when I am able to take a good look at the actual piece.
6)Waukegon Harbor- I love the "rusting" aspect along the sides.
All 6 of these pieces seem, from the photos, to be extremely well done. Today, I am a proud Harbour Lights retailer! Thanks Harry, and all who have been a part of these!

Roland Babineau, Editor
Lighthouse Encyclopedia