It doesn't matter how much room you never seems like enough.

I currently display about 60 HL's in two large curios. If I were to pack them in close together, I could probably display close to 76 total, but it looks way to cluttered. Pieces can get damaged much more easily this way as well.

I keep defering the purchase of more curios in my pursuit of completing my collection. There are probably 70 Harbour Lights still in their boxes on the floor of the lighthouse room.

I never display HL's unprotected. I think that there is just too great a risk of damage this way, be it from unknowing hands, pets, or the environment (dirt/dust).

My goal is to one day have the entire collection on display. As for now, rotating the pieces into or out of the curios not only gives a fresh look, but gives me an excuse to clean the glass and mirrors of the curios and to dust the HL's.
