Hoosier Lighthousing Club Meeting

When: April 20, 2001

Where: MCL Cafeteria at Castleton Corner*
5520 Castleton Corner Lane
Indianapolis, IN (317-845-5717)
(at the same location as last November’s meeting)

Time: 1:00 PM EST

What: A planning session for our May Spring cleaning at the Old Michigan City lighthouse. There will, of course, be door prizes and an opportunity drawing or two….plus great fun and camaraderie! There will be a swap and sell table… bring no more than 4 lighthouses per person (8 per couple).

For more information contact:

*MCL will allow us to use their Banquet Room at no charge if members purchase food. Please consider buying lunch or dessert. Thank you!

Everyone Welcome!!

Located on the Northeast corner of Indy...

a map will be added here.....

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!