There are many new collectors, both Forum and Non-Forum, that may not be aware of my “My Complete Guide To Harbour Lights Lighthouses” that are FREE for the asking. Many collectors do not take the time to read posts unless they are current and thus would have no idea of what was posted in the past. My current issue is the 05/01/2016 version with a new updated version coming out 12/01/2016. By requesting the current version you will automatically receive all future updates and occasional informational emails about Harry Hine Studio Lighthouses, lists of products I still need pictures of for future updates and some exceptional prices for lighthouses that collectors are selling. All this for simply emailing me at and requesting these volumes. Below is a short outline on what my volumes are about:
Updated Harbour Lights Guide – Everything you will ever want or need to know about Harbour Lights Lighthouses is contained in the 05/01/2016 FREE 30 Volumes (PDF Files) of “My Complete Guide To Harbour Lights Lighthouses”. There are 11 informational (secondary market, stories, etc.) chart and pictorial volumes, 11 pictorial volumes containing every lighthouse and accessory made and 4 pictorial volumes that allow collectors to quickly look up any lighthouse alphabetically and see the different models made of that particular lighthouse and 4 volumes containing Military Humor and Memories. You will also automatically be put on the mailing list to receive PDF File updates when they become available and also informational emails. All this is FREE for the asking by requesting them in an email to Rich Felter at