I would really appreciate your willingness to help me out with your pictures. This pictorial on HARBOUR LIGHTS & NON-HARBOUR LIGHTS EXTREMELY LIMITED AND/OR ONE-OF-A-KIND ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE OR NEVER PRODUCED FOR RETAIL SALES has been put off until the Spring 2015 update because of the difficulty in finding pictures for the individual items. I have exhausted our personal collections and files for these pictorials. I decided to hold off on the above pictorial file and 2 others until there was sufficient time to see if I could get enough pictures to make them worthwhile to put together.

The above PDF pictorial is coming together very nicely thanks to our files and collections plus pictures furnished by some of the 200+ collectors receiving my Free PDF Files. The last 2 remaining pictorials to be done are HARBOUR LIGHTS REUNION “FREEBEES & GOODIES” NOT PRODUCED FOR RETAIL SALES and HARBOUR LIGHTS ACCESSORIES. These 2 pictorials will be the rough ones because of lack of input from the collectors that attended the Reunions (I was never able to go to them because of my wife's serious back condition) and the many, many accessories that HLs produced. I really want at least 70% of the items in these pictorials before I attempt to put them together.

With the above being explained I again have to depend on the collectors that receive my files and emails for their help. I think you will really like the December 2014 update as it has been expanded by 6 additional volumes that contain pictures of at least 95% of Harbour Lights products. I am also adding additional collectors stories (Harry Hine is scheduled), military items, corrections and additions to the existing volumes.

Now, the big favor I would like to ask you is would you please review the HARBOUR LIGHTS REUNION “FREEBEES & GOODIES” NOT PRODUCED FOR RETAIL SALES and HARBOUR LIGHTS ACCESSORIES sections in Volume 2 for any items from these 2 sections that you might have in your collection and possibly take pictures of any of these items and send them to me? As long as I receive any of the above pictures that are listed above and any of the items from the additional 2 sections by the first of the year I will have plenty of time to add them. I would appreciate an email in advance telling me what you may have so I can plan ahead. The second favor I would like to ask is if you know of anyone that might have any of the item that I still need, or any of the items that are in the 2 sections that I want to start on, could you please contact them and ask them for help on getting pictures? Sending pictures of any items you may have from about 1 1/2 to 2 feet away with a neutral back ground and surface area. This allows me to crop the picture so when I downsize it the item remains in proportion.

Any questions, comments or suggestions? Call me if you have the time at (352) 208-4513 or email me at flacoastie@embarqmail.com to ask any questions.
