I'm getting ready to go on a cruise to Bermuda and the Bahamas from Baltimore. I've just bought a new camera because my old one (Kodak DX6490) is at least 5 years old and I think the off/on switch is going on it. (Won't always turn off.) I've been very pleased with this camera but it does have its flaws.
I HATE to shop, but I had three requirements for a new camera. It should have a viewfinder, I should be able to manually turn the flash on or off if I desired, and it should not run on AA batteries. I looked on the internet but there were so many options it was confusing. So I went to the Navy Exchange (which isn't always the best) and looked at the cameras there and got a Canon EOS Rebel T3 which seemed to have all the things I want.
I've been playing with it. It does not zoom as far as I am accustomed to being able to do and I'm not thrilled with the idea of buying or carrying extra lenses. But I'm hoping I can do the job with cropping. It is also bigger (more obtrusive) and heavier (I have arthritis in my neck so I hope this won't be a problem.)
Anyway I have 30 days and I will be back from the cruise before then.
As for lighthouses - we leave Baltimore about 5 pm and it will probably be dark. I have never seen any lighthouses in the bay on sail-away because most of the time it is too cold to stay on the deck long enough to get to any of them. Last year, the only one I saw was Fort Carroll.
I've seen Paradise Island and Fort Fincastle on Nassau and I think I will try for Pinder's Point on Grand Bahama.
In Bermuda I intend to visit (but not climb) St. David and Gibbs lighthouses. Are there any other ones that I can see from somewhere on land (as I don't think the cruise ship will go somewhere just for me)?