Big Bay Dumping

At this time eleven Big Bays listings have been completed on ebay for the past two weeks. I haven’t even looked what is out there now.
Since this is the best time to sell a Christmas piece and from my positive review of ebay many sellers thought this was the best time to sell. Even with that many Big Bays on the market at one time I feel that it weathered pretty good thru this market-flooding storm.

This is more proof that Harbour Lights in the 1990’s was not more popular than it is today, but it was used as an investment and was speculated. The only reason the market on Big Bays is flooded now is that cry on the Harbour Light Wall Street is to sell, sell, sell.
I say Buy, Buy, Buy. Many Big Bays just sold for unheard of prices.

Officially on ebay for the past two weeks the highest price for Big bay was $179.99 and the lowest was $122.27
Two others went lower but that was because the sellers used the “buy it now” option.
They went for $80 and two didn’t meet the reserve.

Have fun ebayers you might find a bargin on a Big bay this week.