The 'Lore' of Found Pieces

Posted By: Webmaster

The 'Lore' of Found Pieces - 03/16/05 05:24 PM

Since I started collecting in 1996, I've heard some stories -- 1st hand and 2nd hand -- about unique situations where valuable Harbour Lights were 'found' by collectors.

1. A 'Split Rock Michigan' variation found at a Dallas Dealer several years ago by a collector and purchased at retail.

2. A 'Coquille River' found at a store in Florida a few years ago. The dealer had 'cleaned up' their storeroom and found the piece and sold it for retail.

3. A Cape Hatteras original that was given to a couple by one of their parents, put in their summer home in 1991. This year, they sold the home and packed up the two Harbour Lights and decided to see if they could sell them. You can read about their lucky find here

What stories have you heard about fortunate finds? Can you trace them down? It might make an interesting chapter to the 'Collector Forums Guide To Harbour Lights' if we ever get around to publishing it.
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