Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08

Posted By: Dave H

Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 02:41 AM

This is a bit later than I planned to get it posted, but better late than never . . . .

A visit to the Toledo Harbor Light was planned as a side trip for those attending the Cedar Point regional that wanted to participate. What we thought was a done deal became anything but during the two weeks leading up to the regional. Late in the game the boat that was to take groups out to the light on Friday afternoon and Sunday afternoon became unable to do so. Sandy from the Toledo Harbor Lighthouse Preservation Society searched high and low for a boat that would be able to take our groups, with no luck. In the days leading up to the regional we decided to go to only one trip on Sunday, if Sandy could get a boat lined up. As late as Friday we still weren't sure. Finally, while we were visiting the CG station in Marblehead, Sandy called to tell me she had a creative solution to getting folks out to the light.

Somehow Sandy had found a very nice gentleman who was willing to take folks out to see the light. We would have to do it in waves, as he could only take eight or so at a time. OK, not the greatest solution but one that would allow folks to see the light. So, the plan was set to travel in convoy to the marina where the boat was parked.

Sunday morning arrived and folks met up at the designated place. Well, most of us did - one couple woke up to find a flat tire. They had the challenge of finding a store that could replace the tire on a Sunday morning. The rest of us headed out, arriving right on time to meet up with Dave and Renee, the generous boat owners.

At this point another variation came into play. The yacht club's harbor master, a character by the name of Happy, had found out what was going on and had decided to get involved. Well, Happy now had enough boats to take everyone out at the same time - and even more had volunteered when they learned of the group of lighthouse lovers trying to get out to view the light.

After some intro's, Sandy passed out some nice information folders for each family. We decided to get one boat underway as some of the folks had to get back on the road to continue their lighthousing trip. After a bit, the second boat was loaded and dispatched while we waited for our folks with the replacement tire to catch up to use, and for another couple to arrive after making a brief side trip. In the meantime, we visited until the stragglers arrived and then quickly loaded up to head out.

Once underway, it was an absolutely beautiful day on the lake. The forecasts the night before had indicated 1-3 foot waves were expected, but the lake was wonderfully smooth. And, lighthousing in a great boat probably spoiled several of us. I didn't even keep track of how long we were out, but I am going to say it was 90 minutes or less - the advantage of a boat with some serious power. Once out to the light, we made a couple laps around to get pictures. Turned out to be a little challenge because we were so close to the light!

When we returned, we all enjoyed lunch at the yacht club, as did several folks from the first two boats. I was able to discuss with Sandy some thoughts on how what had been such a major challenge may have developed the proverbial silver lining for the society. Hopefully the fine boating folks will get involved with the association, something that could really benefit the society. Sandy and her husband had set up shop with lighthouse merchandise and a lot of it found its way into new hands.

Our understanding with the fine folks at the yacht club was that we would at least pay for the fuel the boaters used in taking us out to view the light. When it came time to "settle up", they would not accept any money. I was able to come up with a compromise - we will be donating the amount they used in fuel to the society, in the name of the yacht club. What a really great group of people they are!
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 02:42 AM

Sandy passing out info folders about the light

loading up the first boat

heading out

loading up our boat

friends from one of the other area yacht clubs heading towards our host's YC and club house

first boat returning

second boat returning
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 02:42 AM

Turtle Island from a distance. Our boats were not able to head close to this light because of the water depth and how the channel ran.

Harbor Master Happy was on our boat - quite the character, to say the least.

Remember the guys from the other YC? There are headed back to their YC now, but had some extra baggage with them - the pennant of our host's YC. Seems as if the clubs regularly swipe each other's pennant - gives them the excuse to go visit the other club, enjoy a few adult beverages and recover their pennant.
Posted By: docsweetie

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 04:02 AM

What a great story about your trip to Toledo light and the generous folks who helped make it a great day. The photos are also excellent. I'm very envious because I've only seen the light through my binoculars. The close up shots are wonderful.

I'll be traveling to Detroit and Ohio in two weeks to see some of the lighthouses I've missed and some I've already seen in my journeys to see lighthouses on the Great Lakes. I'll get to see Toledo light again through my binoculars.

Thanks for sharing!
Posted By: Shortcake

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 05:41 AM

Nice Boats!
Posted By: Lighthouse Loon

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 04:33 PM

Great pics of the Toledo light !!!

Looks like it was a fun trip.
Posted By: wheland

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 06:10 PM


Glad it worked out. It's always nice when people help others out like that.

Esther and I just got back from a trip to British Columbia (with a bit of Washington) and we had two times where the same kind of thing could have happened.

It did in BC at Atkinson Point LH where we just happened to walk up to the gate as a lady was escorting some people out of the locked area. She saw my Sandy hook t-shirt and we started talking and because I said Esther and I were LH volunteers she let us in to take some closer and better photos. I'll be sending a donation to thier preservation society. There was a group of volunteers there that day doing some work on the grounds.

We had a similar instance several days earlier at Mikelto LH. We got there and the gate was open and there seemed to be some type of tour going on. We went in because I thought it might possibly be Darlene Cook giving the tour.

I was challenged by one of the volunteers and I asked if she was Darlene but she said she was not. I indicated we were lighthouse volunteers and that I had corresponded with Darlene about the possibillity of a tour but had not gotten a response before we left. This all was to no avail- we were asked to go back outside the fenced area.

I will not be sending any donation to that LH. It's not that she was rude or anything- it was just that it was no big deal to let us get a bit of a closer look at the LH. It wasn't like we were likely to damage anything.

Posted By: Lorie Roe

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 06:51 PM

It's nice when things work out even when your best planning falls apart. smile

Thanks for sharing your pics Dave.
Posted By: Sunshine

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/18/08 08:06 PM

Sounds like a true silver lining. I always like it when a boat can get you that close to a lighthouse. Wish I could have been there!
Posted By: 5lights

Re: Visit to Toledo Light 8/24/08 - 09/19/08 03:29 PM

Great pictures Dave! Glad it worked out for everyone...just goes to show there are still good people out there!
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