I placed this under the Ft. Thompkins subject in this forum, but because of the age of the subject I was afraid that it may not be looked at, so I will repost under a new title.

Talking to Harbour Lights the other day, I asked a question about ordering all 4 versions of Ft. Thompkins throught the dealer that I have been using since 1994. I told them that I felt guilty buying from other dealers in other regions and wasn't there any way that my dealer could order all 4 versions themselves. They said that a dealer in one area would be able to order all 4 versions if they would fulfill certain requirements and talk to Debbie, as she was handling these orders. I did not ask what these requirements were, but I immediately called my dealer and told them about this and asked that they call. I called my dealer back on Friday and they told me it was almost a done deal and that they were waiting for confirmation of the order.

As I said in my other post, this may help some of the fence sitters to make up their minds about ordering all 4 versions and will sure help in not having to find a dealer that you are not familiar with in a differt region of the county.

A footnote to this is why I was talking to HL when I brought up the subject of regional event pieces. I was again talking to HL about 2 limited editions issues of the 44' MLB and they have now decided to make the "Revised 44' MLB" an Open Edition instead of the originally planned "2nd limited edition". Both of these decisions mean to me that HL is still listening to their collectors and putting them first in their decisions.

