Yup, now that I finally received the minots ledge, I have to agree with the statement,

"Mixed feelings", "Award Winner vs Flop"

Personally, I don't like it. This could have been an excellent piece but the acrylic water, white base that stands on tiny feet and a "un-pluggable" electrical cord really hampers this piece.

The thing is, Old Minots Ledge has great potential with the old tower not ever being made before by HL, so it is sort of like a LE, and the lighted fresnel lens in the tower is an awesone touch. But, for $100 big ones, this receives two thumbs down from me unless you can pick it up somewhere for less than $50.

I realize this was created for a special occasion and I respect that, but it could have been made 2x better with a few more modifications and a slight reduction in its SRP.
