Nice to hear that we will have a Portland Head with snow coming out possibly in early 2005. I like the edition size of 3000. Some may not agree with seasonal pieces made from the same mold and I can understand that. But I can also understand where HL is cocming from. I would imagine that the biggest expense of making HL's is in making the mold. Once that is done, it's just a matter of turning out the pieces. If they can get more out of a mold, the profit for the company is better.

So it all comes down to wether or not we want to buy the pieces in more than one season. I for one will definitely buy the Portland Head because it's a New England light. As for the others, I will have to decide on a piece by piece basis. I imagine this will bring out many comments from the forum members and I am anxiously waiting to see what is said.

Bert smile


No mountain is too tall if your first step is belief. -Anonymous