Originally posted by Bob M:
(although I think comparing a sand dune to the bridge is like comparing apples and oranges)
I wasn't really comparing a sand dune to a bridge. I was just saying that when I suggested North Block Island, way back when, I thought it would be interesting to sculpt it with the sand dune that borders the west side. It would have been the first HL to have such a thing as part of the sculpture.

I've never been out west to see Pt. Bonita, and I do know many of you were wishing Harbour Lights would produce the piece. I'm pretty sure that everyone wanted to see the bridge incorporated into the piece. You know what? It didn't happen.

Now there is actually going to be 1500 piece edition of a much requested lighthouse, namely Pt. Bonita. Many of you wanted this piece but are indicating you won't buy it because the brige isn't part of it. Have you looked at the enlarged picture link of Pt. Bonita Daniel attached to his post a couple above this one? The piece looks great! It will sell out fast. My advice is buy it while it's available so you won't be kicking your butt later on because you didn't.

:rolleyes: Bob :rolleyes:

I was just using your example in my response- didn't want to change it and be chided for that.

I disagree with you and the others on Pt Bonita. I am disapointed in the depiction of it. I have seen the other photo that shows the entire piece from the side- and it actually confirms my personal opinion of it. I think they should have either made the piece with a complete bridge or no part of the bridge. The lighthouse structure itself is done beautifully- as far as it goes which again in my personal opinion isn't far enough.

It seems that there is only one position accepted here at times- no criticism of any kind of HL. I don't say you and the others who wish to buy this piece are shortsighted, etc. I allow you and them your opinion and the ability to voice it.

Here's my position on Point Bonita- the lighthouse structure itself is done well- including the rusting, etc. It falls short of something I wish to purchase because it omits a part of the structure I consider integral to my enjoyment of it. You like- so you can buy it. I don't care for it so I'll pass on this one.
