WOW. The new Key West GLOW will knock your socks off. Comparing it to the LE, the LE comes out a poor second. Actually in last place, it looks like a school project your 1st grader would do. The amazing strides that HL has made thru the years is never more evident than a comparison of these two. Bob would be proud of the palm tree, it actually looks like it would sway in the wind. The buildings are magnificent compared to the outhouse on the LE. Someone who is not a HL collector, comparing the two, would leave the poor old LE sitting on the shelf.

I still do not care for the concept of GLOWS but it would take a person of stronger willpower than me to walk away and leave it sitting on the shelf.

Old is nice, but not necessarily beautiful, as I tell my reflection every morning while I shave.
The Ancient Mariner.