
I can totally relate to feeling burned out on Harbour Lights. I have been there.

I started out slowly with my addiction, only buying a few pieces at first. Those five or six pieces prompted my to find out more about the lighthouses that I had taken for granted all of my life. The more I learned, the more HL's I had to have, not just because I had to have them all, but because I thought they were beautiful.

I found the then Harbour Lights Collectors Information Center. I joined John's site and got "Keeper Status". I joined the HL Collector Society. I discovered the secondary market and the collection grew rapidly. Soon I received and offer to become part of Lighthouse Depot's "low number program" automatically being shipped #178 for every new release.

Then I started to become overwhelmed. The credit card bills started rolling in. I was running out of space and needed more curios. At times I felt like "What am I doing" and actually thought about selling my collection more than once.

Before I started collecting Harbour Lights, I collected fire memorabilia. Helmets, fire extinguishers, nozzles, ect....Since I found Harbour Lights however, nothing has been added to the collection in that category.

Everyone knows what is best for them. The advice to collect what you like is good advice. It is another to follow that advice when you like them all.

Still collecting after all these years and still in love with Harbour Lights, although at times with all of the releases still a little overwhelmed.
