I have to agree with Gary and Bob. Personally I have never smoked and after losing both parents to lung cancer (heavy smokers) you'll never see me pick up that nasty habit.

It's a persons choice to smoke or not. If you can afford it go right ahead but keep in mind that more and more people are tired of having to put up with someone eles addiction.

Just a side note. When we attend HL events (regionals, reunions, etc) it's nice to see that the greater majority of HL collectors don't smoke. I usually only see a small group standing in the designated area. In fact, as a member of the Hoosier Lighthousing Club, I don't know of any member that is a smoker. It sure is nice that people are begining to see the light.

I'll get off my soapbox now and get back to work. Have a great one.
smile smile smile

Kate & Dave