As I see it, three factors should be in play here:
1. Location - a place where most people would want to go and have facilities to accomodate a large number of people.
2. Expense - the cost has to be reasonable so most people can afford to go.
3. Lighthouse density - the location has to have a decent number of lighthouses in the vicinity to visit.

Hawaii - fantastic location, but expensive and I am concerned about the lighthouse density factor here.

Alaska cruise - same thing as Hawaii...I'm not sure how close a cruise ship can get to some of the remote locations.

Great Lakes region - Michigan would be ideal but I get the feeling that finding an area with adequate facilities may be an issue (is this correct?). Chicago would seem to be a natural choice too. If we look a little outside the US, there is Toronto which has a lot to offer as a city and is close proximity to alot of lighthouses...but perhaps too much "east" for the west coasters who have already had to travel east twice.

Florida - Miami or Tampa would probably be the best choices here. Again, the west coast factor might again be an issue here as well.

West Coast - San Francisco or Seattle seem to be the natural choices...they are the right size and are nice places to visit. They also have alot of lighthouses in the area.

Doc John