another opinion to stir the pot (don't you just love it?)......
I purchase my HL very faithfully from the same dealer. He knows me (and my husband as well) when we walk in the door. One of the clerks calls me when something new or exciting is available. She put me on the list for Fresnels and then asked me later if I wanted them (she knew there wasn't any doubt). I am so thankful to have a dealer that cares about my purchases and my dollars. They know there are other places that I could go.
This dealer discounts very moderately, about 10%. I have no problem buying from him. He is also very happy that I am consistent with him. I have bought two pieces from Hallmark stores, for which I used my Gold Crown Club card and received a "rebate" of sorts. I see the moderate discounting no different from benefit cards like Hallmark has. It is offered as a perk to gain my continued interest, loyalty and yes, dollars.
I have only bought on e-bay once, and then to find a retired piece that was highly sought after.
I have found this entire discussion very thought provoking and stimulating. I am someone who definitely loves a bargain- I can't say that I wouldn't buy an HL for 50% off, but the comments expressed here have certainly made me think twice about it!

chris g

Chris G