>>how 'bout the Coke machine that served up Coke in a small glass bottle <<

You lifted the lid to machine and you slid the glass bottle to the end of the rack to get it out. And you got 2 cents when you brought it back. And soda in steel cans had a tapered top with a twist off cap.

Remembering a summer I bought a Kodak Brownie camera with money I 'made' by redeeming bottles picked up at construction sites.

Remember when stuff labeled 'Made in Japan' was usually cheap junk.

When McDonalds had no indoor seating.

When Revell made really intricate plastic models.

Remember when it was perfectly normal to do the pledge of allegience at the start of school.

When you nailed rollerskates to a board and made a 'skate board'.

Remember tube testers in every drug store?

Remember when the idea of paying for television was ridiculous ... er, guess some things never change.

Remember making a book of brightly colored leaves placed between pieces of wax paper.

Remember when PC keyboards were made of metal and didn't have a dorky 'windows' key. And the function keys were on the left where God intended.

A gallon of gas was 14 cents and the guy checked the oil and cleaned your windshield - and they were glad to have your business.

If you had a pie your mother actually made the crust. :-)

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-19-2001).]