I guess it like anything else - it's supply and demand! If what you're collecting does not have many original boxes, it will add to the value. Since everyone (most) saves their HL boxes, the value would be minimal. So if everyone throws them away except me, now my box could be worth more than the HL (not likely). I guess the white and brown boxes from some of the original '17' might be worth more?
It's like baseball cards - during the craze of the 80's everyone bought complete sets, so their value is pretty much the same except for traded sets that were produced in smaller quanties and usually had the 'rookie' cards. Everyone was convinced they were making a good investment but until MOM starts cleaning out the closets... Now maybe the sets in their boxes... since everyone was displaying the in poly sheets. A few years ago, I was in an abandoned card store and couldn't believe all the 'so called' valuable stuff left behind.