Mike, I agree with you about getting everything in one Forum. I also posted this in the Voting Booth Forum and this is how I feel.

I like the idea of "A Lightning Rod and Green Water" on ALL PIECES. KISS(keep it simple stupid) is the name of the game . All pieces would have the same features so there will not be the extra costs of creating all types of variations with the paint. If we can't go with the green water then let's just go with the Lightning Rod and be satisfied. I like Melody's idea of having a drawing to decide serial numbers so that everyone gets a fair shake at getting a low number but I feel the profit should go to support the Collectors Forum instead of the lighthouse that's picked. We need to get this thing settled and on to the job of selecting the lighthouse before we run this into the ground and Harbour Lights figures we can decide anything among ourselves and decides not to do this for us. I'll take 2 of anything so let's get this show on the road and get them made before I'm too old to appreciate the special piece.
