The only similarity with Baileys Harbor would be the edition of 500. Baileys was put on the extreme fast track to get it done and available for the 2004 Walk. Normal lead time is at least 12 months from time light is selected to the time it arrives in the US. Patience is the key word.

I have suggested a LL on steroids - this puts it into the "mini" category. This would be similar to not only the Reunion gift pieces, but also the earlier signing event pieces. This keeps the cost to us reasonable, and allows for a retail under $40. Think about the point Daniel made - we may well need for some folks willing to buy more than one piece. Keep the cost reasonable and this may well happen. I considered the early signing event pieces to be priced low enough that they were almost an "impulse buy" for some folks. Hopefully they went on to collect HL because they were originally lured in by a cute little light that was not overly expensive.

Think about a light along the lines of Old Presque Isle . It has a fairly short tower and a small little keeper's cottage next to the light. It would work well in this size. As a bonus, it is supposed to be haunted....