Daniel, I am a realist. The ideas you have presented are generally not practical or workable. I pointed that out. You don't like that. Sorry that you feel it was not professional to bring reality into the discussion.

I believe it is Bill's desire to try to get the lights in the Founder's Collection into the hands of collectors. However, he is also a businessman and there will come a point where he has to call it quits. Collectors that are interested have generally purchased. The second round of sales was the ideal one - you could request the piece you wanted IF it was available (and that was sometimes difficult to determine until they tried to find what was SUPPOSED to be in the collection).

You want the crew at HL to continue to create opportunities to purchase parts of the FC, that's fine. But, let me ask a question of all that have purchased one or more of these lights: Have you called HL or sent a note to thank Tony, the customer service folks or the warehouse folks for all the work they have done to try to get these lights into your hands? It really is a major undertaking to try to get those orders and get the prodict located, picked, packed and shipped to you. A thank you would let them know that their efforts are appreciated. And, this work is in addition to what they need to do to sell new product.