Regarding This Little Light of Harbour Lights.

What would happen, do you suppose, if David Winter came out with "This Wee Whimsical English Cottage 'o Mine?" Or Hummel came out with "Zis little Fraulein of Meine?" I think collectors would go through the roof. I say this without a lot of knowledge about the collectible industry, but there must be a reason why these two *collectible* companies stay focused on their core competency.

I no longer recognize the Harbour Lights company I discovered in the summer of 1996. Sure, I envy them because they're probably richer than skunks, but I'm also upset because the implied promise they made to collectors in 1991 has been brutally broken. TLLOM will end up on the same shelves as the LE's and the GLOW's. Just what we dilute the line even more.

The broke their own ground rules and a good deal of my trust in the process. Damn good thing their product is so nice.