Mine is another one of those boring first name and last initial handles. You will notice that it is all in lower case letters. There are 2 reasons for this: 1) it is easy to type and 2) when I pledged my pharmacy fraternity, we were all required to write our names in lower case letters during the entire pledge period. This did not apply to legal documents- only papers, etc that we did at school. For 6 weeks in the spring of 1979 (wow, that's a long time ago) I was known as pledge chris ettling (my maiden name). After I got married, I became Chris Grass (yes, like the green stuff that grows in your yard), but never could become accustomed to being "Mrs" Grass (that is my mother in law). Quite simply, I enjoy being just "Chris" (although my full name is Christine). A teacher in 7th grade started calling me Chris and I rather liked it. My mom did not. She was sure that somewhere along the line someone would think that I was a boy (I did get registered for boy's PE in Junior High), but as the years passed, even she called me Chris. Oh well, I am quite simply chris, chris g for the forums, and quite happy to use this handle!

Thanks for asking. It's a question that I have had for quite awhile since I joined the forums last year!

Chris G