Go Patriots! Oops, wrong topic....

Harbour Lights has reduced the edition sizes of new releases as compared to the total number made over the last few years. It also seems that the pricing on some of these new releases is more reasonable than in the immediate past.

Harbour Lights cares about their collectors and listens faithfully to our whining. When your a faithful HL collector, you actually own a piece of the rock. HL recognizes this fact and does those nice little public relations things that keeps us all smiling. Lets face it, it's good business.

We as collectors are what keeps HL going strong. Bill, Nancy, Kim, and the crew (I wish I could still put Mo in there )would probably like to hug each and every one of us each time we pick up a new release. That's the kind of family business it is.

No matter who sells all or part of their collection, or whoever keeps buying the latest pieces and holds on to the other ones, Harbour Lights is here to stay and will be an important part of our social environment. Their campaign to draw attention to the plight of our nation's lighthouses has been a successful one. God bless them for their efforts.

Keep the wheels turning, ...buy HLs, get involved in lighthousing, and pass this desire on to your family and friends. Nothing but good comes from it.

Go Patriots! Oops off the topic again...
