Fuel economy is nice but I sure like driving vehicles I'm comfortable in and most important, feel safe in. If people choose to drive smaller cars for economical reasons, that's just fine with me. This is America where we have that freedom.
Bob, I agree with you here. I really like to drive. I'll go one further and say I like driving fast in vehicles I'm comfortable in and feel safe in. Especially on twisty back country roads in the Fall when the leaves are turning. Which means vehicles with good braking capacity. Stopping fast is as important as going fast. And when on the interstate, always were your radar detector. :-)

I found the 55mph speed limit an anathema. If you ever had to drive the length of Illinois at 55mph, you know it is pure mind numbing torture. (Its still mind numbing at 85, but doesn't take as long - heh heh.) I do have one suggestion that may help improve saftey: If you wanna talk on the phone, don't be on the road.

The huge Navigator and Extradition size SUVs would be Ok if they had a minimum passenger limit, stayed in the right-hand lane and didn't take their boats to the grocery store. smile