I don't have the time to post in each of the individual lights' threads, but I am going to post my opinion of each here followed with my general comments on the group as a whole.

  • Avery Point - LOVE it! This is one light that I felt needed a great HL piece when released, and it got it. I might buy this one even though I don't buy HLs, because a) it's pretty affordable b) there's only 2500 and c) if I buy it form that place in New London, I get all the other Avery stuff I was going to buy eventually anyway. laugh
  • Portland Head in Winter - Okay...of course, it's a rerelease, but going beyond that fact, it's a pretty nice piece. Not on my list of lights I would buy if I did.
  • North Block - GREAT! This is another family favourite...and well done! This would be the second of my five wish pieces.
  • Egmont Key - Don't really know the real thing for comparison, but an okay piece. Nice, but not on the list.
  • Middle Island - Very nice piece! This would definitely be #3
  • Cedar Island - LOVE this one too! This would be the fourth of the lights I would want...another light that I really like, and well done!
  • Yorktown Lens - I really like this lens. I like all the lenses, but this one being a lightship lens brings a bit of variation to a collection. After a while, all the lenses kind of look the same. This one adds variation. #5 on the list.

The GLOWs are, well...GLOWs. Nice pieces, but I miss the GLOWs that didn't glow.

Overall, compared to some lackluster '04 releases, '05 looks like it's gearing up to be a good HL year. The detail and quality of the pieces is unlike any before. For the first time, I have been impressed by all but one of the LEs. If HL can continue in this direction, they will still be able to count on me as a collector one day when I have a job and am not poor. laugh