Thanks Rich, for you kind comments.

Re: Point Arena CA.

The published figure is about 5,500+, but my best informed guess is it's something less than 2,000 that survived to be sold.

About a year and a half ago, I'd ask different collectors on line if they had a Point Arena; then I'd ask how many they had.

95 times out of 100, if a collector had one, they had more than one. I estimated then that perhaps 500 collectors held these 2,000. The fact that there were 500 sellers out to sell Point Arenas for a profit.

It's price has gone up a bit since then, but it's still "undervalued" - it's scarcity alone should have it selling for much more now. IMHO, that makes it a bargain at anything under $200.

However, it's "mystique" hasn't yet materialized.