My first HL was Southeast Light Block Island (Summer '94). I bought it because I liked it. I had no intentions of collecting lighthouses. I didn't buy another until September of '97 when I purchased Brant Point. It was all down hill from there.

I was never truly excited but some of the early HLs. As a matter of fact I didn't buy any of them until I got hooked on HLs and wanted to get the whole collection. Compared to the HLs of today, they weren't much to behold. I did hunt them down and buy them but hardly ever displayed them. Most remained in their boxes and were stored in my cellar.

Times change and so does collecting. Think of cars from the past that were less than desireable thirty years ago that you wish you had now because they would be a definite classic.

Some old cars have appreciated in price, and some old HLs have done the same. Others just fall by the wayside. Who knows what lies ahead in the future. Some HLs will always be worth more than retail while others will be purchased for far less. Everything depends on "driven" collectors. Time will tell.

smile Bob smile

P.S. In reference to Cape Blanco, I still buy duplicates of the older HLs everytime I see a deal. I just can't resist. I always think, "Sooner or later someone will be looking for one of these."