The early GLOWs...Portland Head, Boston, etc. were just the right size...they provided nice detail but were clearly a little brother/sister to the real thing.

St. Augustine is another good example. No house...just the tower for people who have to have one.

Lately, the GLOWS are practically the same size as the LEs...look at Montauk, Bolivar, Tybee, even Thomas Point. It's ridiculous.

The GLOWS chew up shelf space. They blur the distinction between themselves and the limited editions. I think it was a nice idea to start with...but I believe they are now cannibalizing the LEs.

Harbour Lights started out with the idea of being a limited edition collectible company. They are no longer. Now, IMHO, they've turned greedy. And I believe, in the long run (and I think we saw it in 1998) it's going to hurt them.