People have their reasons for not posting as much and it may not have to do with losing interest. It's not so much that I've personally lost interest in Harbour Lights, it's more that I've got other things in my life that I've wanted to do. I would very much like to buy each and every new piece that comes out and "WOW" it to death. However this year I decided to do some different things. I bought a Harley. I did some modifications to my Mustang. My wife and I have taken a couple of mini-vacations. It all takes money, and if I spent it all on HLs I wouldn't be able to do the other things.

As far as the "wows" go, I'd have to agree that all the pieces HL makes have been pretty good over the last few years. Hopefully when Pt Bonita comes out it will be a wow. I personally thought East Brother was a wow, but that may be because I spent a night there with my wife on our anniversary. I also thought Sand Island, Sand Key, and Anclotte Island were all very well done.