Hi All, We don't get every issue as I don't make that kind of money. Also, my collection is of lighthouses I have seen, the only way for me to manage this incurable desease called collecting. Having said that, I try to support a few local dealers who provide good service and appreciate my loyalty. Now, having only been a Harbour Lights collector for 2-3 years, I many times buy the "Bay" to add past pieces to my collection. I do first check out my dealers first though. I figure if I don't support them, they will soon be carrying another product. As far as the "market" goes, I think many just get tired of the same thing all the time and start on something else. I know many will suspend or cutail their activities when money is tight, and there are a great deal of people out of work so things are just not good right now for a great deal of people. Personally, I still have a job and God willing I will make it to retirement in a couple of years and can still support my desease. I also agree with others that we here at the forums do not represent the "market", we are the deseased ones, the one that have it bad and are proud of it smile

Enough, onward and upward and please pass the lights!!