>>Think of the possibilities. <<

Yep. I think thats exactly what Rod is getting at. While my case looks at the valuation side, Rod's is even stronger, imo. There are so many interesting and deserving lighthouses that HL could model for the first time, that doing redundant versions at this point is, well, redundant. As Rod suggests by using their imagination, "HL can do much better" than reissuing different takes on the same thing they've done before. "Think of the possibilities." :-)

On the side of valuation, sure I agree that those that can afford a original Portland may not be deterred from buying one. And I'll agree that both those that can and cannot afford an original PH may indeed buy a snowy PH or whatever. But those points, while valid, don't address my concern. Multiple LE versions of the same light (regardless of how different one is from the other) will have an even greater compromising effect on both the original LE and the LE line as a whole.

What's to prevent HL from doing a different version of PH? Nothing? What's to prevent HL from doing the 4 Seasons of Montauk? Nothing? Does HL have any principles that inform the choices they make - aside from profitability? I'm not suggeting they don't - I'm asking what are they, or what should they be.

And please please please don't tell me they should "make lighthouse lovers happy" unless you can state what makes up the same happiness for everybody. At best someone could make the case that happiness means willingness to make another purchase.

Are there any unwritten rules that govern how a line of collectibles should be managed. I think inherently there are. It will be an interesting exercise to draw these out. My sense of one of these 'rules' is: "Don't do multiple different versions of the same piece". Sure anyone can rationalize why HL would be successful doing this, but if there are any such guidelines they transcend HL or any single company.

HL models are the only thing I collect. I'm not familiar with other lines that are truly collectible - not giftware. Is it common practice here for a manufacturer to do re-issues that vary an orignal? Surely there are some examples. Anybody got any?

Brunching at the FSB,

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-13-98).]